
Sunday 22 December 2013

Plant power stops working

On the 3rd day, it stops connecting to iphone. I thought it is because I have water it. I try to change battery. And it does not work. I clear the cache in the app. And finally, the least I expected, I turn off and on the iPhone. It works. I think it is the Bluetooth at iPhone that is jam as I turn Bluetooth on and off several times a day. I will leave it on for now. 

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Redesign for NYC subway

291213 submit NYC subway text version
- will do notification. Check every 1 hour. If time is within 1 hour of notification time, fetch status. If status has delay, notify user. 020114 

It seems scrolling is too slow to use in transport environment. I may have to go back to tab controller. 

I really do not want to use scrolling in sg buses. I want info now. 

I add in page scroll because of the animation Irish app. But it seems it is a step backward. 

Can I have ads below the tab buttons? 

Do I need to have line status? Do user need to know the service change? Do user need to know train delay? Do I really need a line status page? 

How user want to be notify for train delay? Based on the time user check time. Or a user define time to check status and notify user only when there is a delay. It is easier to identify a time for notification. 

Should I give ios 6 a miss? I develop for ios 7 but the notification does not work for ios 5, 6. 

I am going to test it 3 days. Day and night. Test the notification. 

How is the animation version going to work? It will have tab insteads of scroll. It is faster. It will have tap hold menu for fav. 

What is the problem of my NYC server? It stop with a no debug info. Is it too many people trying to access the database? I do not have any write operation. Can I use monatomic? Is there any free server now? Should I reconsider offline database? 

Monday 16 December 2013

Design work place

- easily take cloth after shower daily
- cool place to play piano in the morning
- for 2 person working
- able to do programming in the night 70% and day 30%
- able to sleep in hot 80% and cold 20% 

Saturday 14 December 2013

Sg buses test 151213

It gives me the opposite bus stop when I sit at CDAC. Correct timing for bus 30. Direction works 1:40pm.

1:47pm. It gives me north light school in nearby. It is a cloudy day. As I walk to open sky, a step from the bus stop CDAC, it gives me CDAC. So after 7 tries to refresh locations. Once I return to my sit in the bus stop shelter, it gives me north light and show me at sandy lane.

1:51 Walk to Grandlink.

1:56 I am near city plaza but it gives me versilia condo after 5 tries. It shows that I am at versilia. The GPS is off. It is using the mobile network. Should I have a refresh button? But it still gives the wrong location. Need to use map to go to city plaza. The title is slow to update from nearby to favorite.

In view that my app has dropped to 30th place, I am finding the fact. It is slow in scrolling, give wrong bus stop. Heart of the problem. In the web, 2 person vote 1 star due to wrong timing.

The heart of the problem is that I have not use it for about a year. I have made great changes but I have not use it myself, that is the heart of the problem. 

It does not have the speed anymore.